A Hierarchy of Needs

A Hierarchy is a list of importance.

We all have our own unique list of emotional needs.

Below our three primary needs are as many as ten emotional needs in total.

We all sub-consciously list our emotional needs in order of importance.

The greater the ability to meet my need for emotional energy, the greater the value to me and the more important it is.

We all have the same physical needs for food, water & shelter.

We each have a different list of emotional needs to meet our own requirements for personal emotional power.

My emotional needs provide the emotional energy that is my personal power.

My emotional power authorises my physical ability.

When it motivates my personal will, it is called will power.

We are all motivated or driven by what meets are need for emotional energy until we learn how to empower our true authority.

We are sub-consciously driven to do what we do by our hierarchy of emotional needs until we learn to consciously empower our Self.