Three Prime Attachments

A Prime Attachment is a personal attribute that I need from other people.

What I need emotionally attaches me to whoever meets that need.

The prime attachments of any relationship are:

  1. Being Reliable
  2. Being Dependable
  3. Being Trustworthy

These are the prime attachments of both a personal & a business relationship.

Both partners expect to trust, depend on & rely on their partner in a marriage.

Both parties expect to trust, depend on & rely on the other party in a business contract.

An employer expects their workers to be reliable, dependable & trustworthy as does an employee expect the same from their employer.

To be trustworthy, I am required to be truthful & honest.

To be reliable, I am required to be punctual & predictable.

To be dependable, I am required to be honourable & dutiful.

These are the aspects of personal discipline that ensure that I meet the needs of my marriage, my business or my employment.

Prime attachments are also the personal attributes that other people need from me.