Joy & Pleasure

Pleasure is the positive emotional feeling of getting my emotional needs met.

Pleasant people please me with the pleasure they give to me when they meet one of my emotional needs.

When I meet someone else’s emotional need, I have the pleasure of pleasing them because pleasing others pleases me.

Pleasure has a duality of pain, which is unpleasant and unpleasurable.

Whether an action or experience is painful or pleasurable is a personal perception based on an individuals beliefs.

“One Man’s pain is another Man’s pleasure”.

Joy is the pure emotional feeling of being connected to my own Source of Power.

Joy is the feeling of being connected to my Soul.

Joy is the pure positive emotion of being aligned with my True Self.

It is always a Joy to be the Beingness of my Soul.

I experience Joy through the act of doing what I Truly Value as this allows me to express the true value and worth of who I really am.

Joy is pure emotion that is without  duality.

Joy is the expression of my True Power.