The Need to be of Service

The Need to be of Service is the need to care for others, the need to be kind & generous and the need to be needed.

These needs are what are needed emotionally by the one being of service to another.

My service to another is conditional on my emotional need being met.

I need to be of service when my emotional energy is low.

Helping other people raises my energy emotionally.

How can I truly help other people when my emotional energy is low?

How can I be of service when I am motivated to get my needs met and driven by my need for emotional power?

Needing to be of service is a state of being disempowered and disconnected from my true source of power.

I am driven not by love but my emotional need for love from the one I am in service to.

Being of Service to others has True Value.

It is only possible to be of service to others when I am inspired, empowered and connected to my True Source of Power.

I can only truly be of service to others once I no longer need to be of service to others.

When in service to my Soul, I connect to my true source of emotional power that allows me to be of service to all others.