Attaining Quality Emotional Attributes

Attaining Quality Emotional Attributes:

  • Raises my vibration
  • Reveals my intuitive genius
  • Is the way of Ascension
  • Makes me whole/holy
  • Empowers me
  • Allows my life to flow effortlessly
  • Connects my Self to my Soul
  • Aligns me with my True Path
  • Allows my inspiration to flow
  • Detaches me from other people’s dramas
  • Moves me out of sin
  • Balances my yin & yang
  • Puts me in the gap with space
  • Brings me inner peace
  • Reconnects me to Source
  • Allows presence to be present
  • Is my life purpose
  • Gives my life meaning
  • Transforms my life
  • Is emotionally intelligent
  • Allows me to create my own ideal reality
  • Brings abundance into my life
  • Reveals the magic of my super nature
  • Opens the door to opportunity
  • Meets my every challenge in life
  • Prevents pain
  • Dispels fear
  • Overcomes problems
  • Allows synchronicity to flow
  • Develops conscious-awareness
  • Reveals who I really am
  • Identifies my true identity
  • Raises the quality of my life experiences
  • Is an absolutely positive experience
  • Reveals my divinity
  • Allows my life to be creative
  • Reveals my special gifts
  • Gives me clarity
  • Allows my idea of an ideal life
  • Makes imagination real
  • Lifts the veil of illusion
  • Allows providence to provide
  • Is spiritually wise