Sensational Intensity

Sensational Intensity is the intense sensation of an ungrounded emotional experience.

Bliss, Euphoria & Ecstasy are all ungrounded emotional experiences with a sensational intensity. The intensity of a sensational experience can cause an emotional overload or an emotional release.

When I have the emotional sense to ground my feelings, I fulfil my ability to feel content with joy. Truly innate happiness is grounded in the pure feeling of emotional joy, mental fulfilment & physical contentment. I feel Happy when I ground my positive emotion of contentment, fulfilment & joy, as my physical experience of reality.

Bliss, euphoria & ecstasy are all experiences of being ungrounded in spiritual reality. The reality of spiritual energy is that it is emotionally powerful. Ungrounded emotional power is an intense spiritual experience called a ‘high’. I can experience a supernatural high with my pure connection to spirit or I can experience an unnatural high using medicines, potions & drugs.

Bliss is a sense of intuitive feeling, experienced in its highest or most intense form.

Euphoria is a eureka moment of a clear intuitive sense of knowing.

Ecstasy is the pure feeling of the intensely positive sense of physical touch.

Nirvana, Utopia & Paradise are all imaginary places, where the sensational spiritual intensity of bliss, euphoria & ecstasy can be experientially realised.

Heaven on Earth is the emotional experience of a happy life in physical reality.

The joy, contentment & fulfilment of Happiness is creatively powerful when grounded in physical reality. Sensational Emotional Intensity has no creative potential, as it cannot be grounded in physical reality.

Joy is the greatest magnitude of creative emotional potential.

Bliss is the highest positive experience of emotional intensity.