
Whelm is an outpouring of emotion from within. It is the flow of positive emotion, which is experienced as being in the flow.

Whelm or ‘Well me’ is a beneficial experience of a positive flow of emotional power. I have a choice of how I experience emotional flow. I can experience negative underwhelm, negative overwhelm or positive whelm; relative to the polarity of my perception.

Overwhelm is my inability to accept the flow of emotional energy in a positive & useful way. It is the negative effect of being overpowered or embarrassed by a flood of too much emotion.

Being overwhelmed with joy is an oxymoron because joy is never a negative experience. Being negatively overwhelmed with emotion is never a joy. Being overjoyed is a statement that my joy exceeds my expectation, which is never a problem as I am not overwhelmed.

Underwhelm is the negative experience of a disappointingly unemotional or unempowered event not coming up to expectation. A positive expectation is rendered disappointingly negative with a feeling of underwhelm.

Whelm is the feeling of ‘well me’.

‘Poor me’ is the feeling of either underwhelm or overwhelm.