Being Emotionally Available

Being Emotionally Available is being there for someone and available and willing to meet their emotional needs.

I need to be emotionally available to another who I need to remain emotionally available to me.

I need someone to be emotionally available to me when I am unable to meet my emotional need without them.

The emotional intelligence to be aware of my own emotional needs and to met them consciously myself is a pre-requisite to me no longer needing anyone to be emotionally available for me.

When I no longer need anyone to be emotionally available for me, I no longer need to be emotionally available to anyone.

I no longer need a co-dependent relationship with another.

When I become emotionally intelligent enough to no longer need a co-dependent relationship, I am able to re-define the purpose of my relationship with another.

When I no longer need a relationship, I am able to consciously choose the purpose of my relationship with another.

Redefining the purpose of my relationship with another allows me to redefine who I am Being in relationship to another.

Redefining who I am being in relationship to another is the essence of my personal spiritual development & growth.