Adding Value To The World

I cannot consciously add value to the world by helping other people.

I have no way of knowing what other people have chosen for their path.

I can help another achieve the desires of their ego but this will not add value to an already ego driven world.

I add value to the world by being of value in the world.

I am of value in this world when I realise my worth and my purpose.

Enjoying my worth and fulfilling my purpose allows the value of this world to be expressed and experienced.

I can help others to see their own value in this world, which is how to be of greatest value to this world.

It is impossible for me to be of value in this world when I have forgotten my worth and my purpose.

When I see the value of the world to me, I know and feel the true value of this world.

This world is of great value to my Self.

It is the ideal environment for the growth and expansive development of my Soul.

I do not reduce the value of the world to me, I appreciate it.

When I appreciate the value of this world, I add value to the world and everyone and everything in it.