The Alpha Male

The Alpha Male has the belief that being, superior, arrogant & assertive is a characteristic of the dominant males of a species.

It is actually a characteristic of male energy.

The male & female gender of emotional energy has become confused with masculine & feminine physical characteristics.

Just because a Man has a big ego doesn’t mean that he has to assert his arrogant superiority.

Women are just as capable of asserting their arrogant superiority, which they invariably do when raising & protecting their young.

Assertive, superior arrogance is seen as a positive trait of any person, male or female, playing the role of Provider or Protector.

Inferior, meek & humble individuals fail miserably to provide for or protect either themselves or their families.

Alpha male energy is particularly pertinent in a society that believes that only the fittest survive and only the best evolve in a process of natural selection.

Alpha male leaders are dependent on their followers and their ability to assert their arrogant superior authority over their followers.