Emotional Debt

My attachment to other people puts me into their emotional debt.

I am attached to another by what I need from them emotionally.

What I need emotionally from another puts me into their debt.

Whatever I provide for another emotionally puts them into my debt.

By meeting other people’s emotional needs, I gain emotional credit.

Other people credit me with my ability to give them what they need emotionally.

Emotional debt is caused by the belief that there is something that I need.

I owe a debt of gratitude to whomever meets my emotional needs.

Gratitude is the price I pay to someone for meeting my needs emotionally.

If I become excessively needy, and nobody will meet my emotional needs for me, I risk becoming emotionally bankrupt.

My Soul is never emotionally bankrupt and never in emotional debt.

When I connect with my emotional banker, I become a very wealthy person.