
Self-efficacy is having the physical power to produce a desired effect together with our belief in our own ability.

We believe in our ability based on what we have learned to physically do and our belief that we can repeat it.

Without our true power and authority, we rely on our belief of whether we can do something or not.

Efficacy is a measure of our physical ability and the most physically able are the most efficacious.

Without authority our power is dependent on our ability.

Power without authority has no spiritual ability and therefore relies on our physical efficacy.

Self-efficacy is our ability to cause a desired effect. Cause and effect are a duality our physical world.

Self-Esteem is a measure of our Spiritual ability.

Self-Confidence is a measure of our Spiritual authority.

Self-Worth is a measure of our Spiritual power.

Self-efficacy is a measure of our physical ability.

Strength is a measure of our physical power.

Knowledge is a measure of our physical authority that creates our beliefs.