The Essence of Life

The Essence of Life is our power, authority and ability.

Our ability is limited by our power and authority.

Our power is limited by our authority to choose.

Our authority is limited by our power to be.

When we balance our power and authority, we attain our ability in Life.

Our power is limited by our fear of rejection that creates our need to be loved and included, when we are without Oneness.

Our authority is limited by our fear of deprivation that creates our need to be free and allowed, when we are without Choice.

Our ability is limited by our fear of failure that creates our need to achieve and be better, when we are without Equability.

Oneness is our connection to our Power of Love.

Choice is our connection to our Authority of Light.

Equability is our connection to our Ability of Life.

The formula: power + authority = ability is the Essence of all Life.