Male Gender

The Male Gender is exclusively disconnected from others of the same gender.

Without an exclusive connection to its Soul, the male gender will follow the authority of its ego self and become exclusively disconnected from its Soul.

The male gender needs to exclusively connect to an opposing female energy to gain its power.

With emotional insensitivity, the male gender may connect to a diffferent female energy, as its ego self determines. This is called lust.

In the absence of an exclusive connection to its true Authority, the male gender will follow the authority of its rational consciousness, and become insensitive too all other stimuli.

The male gender is insensitive to other people unless they provide a source of emotional energy.

The male gender is unemotional because emotion is a distraction from the authority of its rational consciousness.

The male gender has lost, without its feeling of emotion, all awareness of Spirit.

The male gender defines the opposite of rational as irrational and sees emotion as irrational.

The female gender defines the opposite of emotional as unemotional and sees logic as unemotional.