Emotional Needs Are Non-Negotiable

Emotional Power is essential to life.

Without emotional power there is no physical ability.

It is mentally & physically debilitating.

An emotional need is an absence of power that cause an absence of ability.

The essence of emotional power is that when I don’t have it, I need it.

When I need it, it is non-negotiable.

I essentially need it because it is essential & it is the essence of life.

The controller of my emotional power is my id.

My id is my sub-conscious ego sense of Self.

My id does not negotiate with my conscious ego.

Neither my own nor anyone else’s.

When my emotional power is low, my id takes over; it takes control.

The ego is a rational controller of my experience.

The id is an irrational controller when working with irrational beliefs.

Trying to control an irrational controller is not a rational strategy.

The only option is to meet the emotional demands of the id, until the ego is restored to mental authority.