
Emotionality is my emotional reality, which is an aspect of spirituality, along with my mentality & my physicality.

Emotionality is the energetic wavelength, space & distance of a creative expression of reality that creates a unique experience.

  • An individual perception of emotion is called Awareness
    An exclusive expression of emotion is called Feeling
    A unique creator of emotion is called Heart

Heart, Feeling & Awareness are the three principle aspects of a unique, individual & exclusive emotional reality.

  • Heart is the Creator expressing a real awareness of emotional feeling.
  • Feeling is the emotional experience of the heart’s awareness, it’s sense of Source.
  • Awareness is the perception of sensing the emotional feeling of the Heart.

The emotional power source of the creative heart is the Soul. Soul is the Source Of Unlimited Love.

Emotionality is the experience of a creative expression of the Soul.

The three dimensions of emotionality are:

  • Heart is the Creator
  • Feeling is the experience
  • Awareness is the perception

Emotionality is the perception of a creative experience of the Soul.

The three dimensions of emotionality are:

    Heart is a one dimensional source of unlimited love, called emotional power
    Feeling is two dimensional. It can be a pure wavelength of powerful divine love expressed as a natural, quality attribute or it can be divided by emotional male or female gender, which allows irrational feelings of fear, rejection & disempowerment
    Awareness allows a three dimensional experience of a potentially powerful, neutrally challenging or dramatically intense reality. The divine awareness of the heart allows a powerful flow of emotional feeling, as an opportunity to inspire & empower the Self. The disconnected, unemotional, insensitive perceptions of the Self disallow personal emotional power, which causes unique emotional needs, with the problems of inclusive attachments and motivating sentiments. In this way, I can feel life to be a problem, a challenge or an opportunity; relative to the emotional power that is presently available.

My emotional reality is that I am either divinely inspired & empowered by my Soul or motivated by the will power of my sub-conscious need for emotional power.