
Atmosphere is determined by the intensity of energy.

The Earth’s atmosphere determines the intensity of the Earth’s Emotional Energy.

The Earth’s emotional energy is called the Weather.

The Earth’s weather is continuously changing due to the fluctuating intensity of high and low pressure systems of energy that are called cyclones and anti-cyclones.

Cyclones and anti-cyclones denote the polarity of the energy as being either positive (beneficial) or negative (detrimental) to our experience of life on the planet.

The Earth’s Atmosphere is the Earth’s Aura, which has a changing vibration relative to its polarity and its intensity.

My aura is also an expression of my changing energetic vibration determined by the gender and the polarity of my emotional intensity.

My aura is an expression of the atmosphere that I emanate, as is everyone else’s.

The atmosphere in a room is determined by the sum total of everyone’s vibrational aura or mood.

My mood creates an atmosphere that decides ‘whether or not’.

The Earth’s mood creates an atmosphere that decides the ‘weather’.