Love & Need

Love is the presence of emotional energy.

It is my emotional power.

Need is the absence of emotional energy.

It is my lack of emotional power.

From a disconnected perspective of physical life it is difficult to see the distinction between love & need.

Without the awareness of the Source of my emotional power, I will need love, and love & need will appear to be the same thing.

Emotional power is what I love when I have it and need when I do not.

Love & need become distinct when I become aware of what I am sharing with another.

When I am sharing my need for love with another, I am in a co-dependent relationship and reliant on my partner for what I need emotionally.

When I am sharing the power of my love with another, who is sharing their power of love with me, I am enjoying an inter-dependent relationship with the benefits of being in a mutually positive emotional state of being.

Sharing my need for love is divisive.

Sharing the power of my love is unifying.