Needs, Values & True Values

Needs, Values & True Values are three different perspectives of my emotional power.

When I experience my emotional power, I value it, and I value whatever I believe is providing it.

This is my conscious perception of connecting to my emotional power.

When I experience a lack of emotional power, I need it, and I need whatever I believe will provide it.

This is my sub-conscious perception of being disconnected from my emotional power.

When I experience my connection to my true source of emotional power, it has true value for me, and I truly value its provision.

This is my super-conscious perception of being connected to my emotional power.

When I connect intuitively, it has true value and I am empowered.

When I connect consciously, it has value and I am motivated.

When I connect sub-consciously, I have a need and I am needy.

My emotional power is always the subject of my perception that is determined by the focus of my perspective and the level of my Consciousness.