Pure Love

Pure Love is the Power of my Soul to Be. It is Pure Beingness.

The Omnipotent Feeling of Pure Love is my Soul.

It is only in the separation from my Soul that I am able, my Self, to feel the Pure Love of my Soul.

My Soul is a Being of Pure Love that shows my Self the potential of my own Beingness.

It is only in the disconnection from my power that I am able to feel my power and my lack of power.

As I appreciate my Soul’s Power it appreciates within my Self. It expands and grows.

My Soul is the prime cause of Pure Love because my Soul is connected to the Prime Cause of Everything.

My Soul is beyond the duality of cause and effect. It therefore cannot feel the effect of the Pure Love that it is and that it causes.

My Soul is the Subject of Pure Love and I am the object of that Love.

My Self feels the effects of the Love that is caused by the Power of my Soul’s Pure Feeling.

My Self is the object of my Soul’s subjective Love.

The effects of my Soul’s Love for my Self is felt as emotion or as an emotional state of Being.

All emotions are an individual aspect of Pure Love that is felt by each Individual and is affected by each Individual’s thinking and beliefs.

The Purity of my emotional feelings is indicative of my ability to be in alignment with my Soul.

It is only through my Self that my Soul can experience the potential of the Pure Love that it Is.

It is only in the ‘isn’t’ that the ‘Is’ can experience its Self.