Love Is Power

Love is Emotional Power.

An absence of emotional power creates a need for Love.

When I have enough Love in my life, I am emotionally powerful.

When I depend on other people for my emotional power, I will love them for the love that they give to me.

A dependency on other people for my emotional power will disconnect me from my True Source of Power.

The love that I need from another is not True Love, it is an emotional need.

When another meets my needs emotionally, I feel loved, appreciated, approved of or any other aspect of love that I believe that I am without.

True Love is the Omnipotent Power of my Soul.

True Love is the emotional feeling that my Soul has for my Self.

My True Power is the Feeling that my Soul has for my Self when I connect to my Soul’s authority & choice.

Without my Self, my Soul cannot experience the power of its Love for its Self.

Sharing True Love with another involves the connection of two Souls.