A Fix

A Fix is a short-term solution to a long term problem.

I cannot fix a long term problem with a short term solution.

In a dual reality world, low emotional energy is a very common long term problem.

I am either high with a fix or low on emotional energy.

Most fixes in the modern world cost money.

The greater my need for a fix the greater my need for money.

Addictive substances are expensive, usually heavily taxed or illegal.

Hard & soft drugs, alcohol & tobacco are expensive energy fixes, whether legal or not.

Sugar is a relatively cheaper fix that has become very commonly & extensively used.

Adrenaline, although freely produced by the body, can be an expensive fix when addicted to extreme sport, fun & amusements.

The paradox is that a fix never fixes the problem, it just relieves the symptoms.

Low emotional energy will continue to be a problem, until I am challenged to see it as an opportunity.

The only permanent fix is to take the opportunity to overcome the problem with a pure connection to the source of my emotional energy.