
Pain is the effect of low emotional energy.

it is the body’s way of signalling that there is insufficient emotional energy for what is occurring.

My pain threshold is relative to my emotional energy level.

With enough emotional energy, there is no pain.

Pain is therefore an indicator of low emotional energy or a drain on emotional energy levels.

Pain killers may hide the symptoms but will not relieve the cause.

Taking pain killers will not raise emotional energy levels, it just suppresses the pain & hides the cause.

The ideal way to manage pain is to raise emotional energy levels.

It is not advisable to learn how to manage pain by raising emotional energy whilst in pain.

It takes a magnitude of emotional energy to learn how to raise & maintain emotional energy.

It takes emotional awareness to become emotionally aware of the message that pain is sending.

My sub-conscious mind transmits the pain to my conscious mind that receives it.

My Soul feels no pain.