
Fulfilment is the attainment of being fulfilled.

I attain fulfilment when I am following my unique path in life.

My Soul offers its Self an opportunity to attain fulfilment.

It is the experience of fulfilling one’s destiny.

Fulfilling my destiny is my purpose for being here in this life-time.

It is my ultimate attainment & my destiny.

Fulfilment is attained by fulfilling my part in the Soul’s Grand Plan.

My grand plan for this life-time is my mandate from my Soul.

Every Man has a date on Earth to attain fulfilment.

The time between birth & death allows the experience of an exclusive path on an individual journey & the fulfilment of a unique destiny.

Each individual personal Self has an exclusive path to fulfil on their unique journey.

There is nothing that is more fulfilling in life than the journey along a personal, individual, unique & exclusive path to one’s destiny.