Enough Is A Feeling

When Enough is a quantity, I will never have enough.

When Enough is a feeling, I can choose and attain it.

Enough is the feeling of Contentment with Abundance. I am content with abundance because it is always enough.

Contentment is my emotional state of being when I have enough of everything. The quickest way to be content is to want for nothing. When I am content and want for nothing, I experience the abundance of having enough.

The Universe is abundant and is always able to provide enough of anything. If I can imagine it and feel it, I can experience it. It is not what I have that is important but how I feel about what I have. My gratitude and appreciation of an abundant reality always provides enough for my continued contentment.

Enough is my provision and once I intuitively see what is enough, I am content. When I am discontent, I cannot see that I already have enough. When I cannot see that I have enough, I cannot feel content. When I do not know what is enough, I cannot choose it. Intuitively seeing abundance, knowing what is enough and feeling content engages all three of my intuitive senses.

My intellect always finds a reason for wanting more. Only my intuition knows when I have enough because I feel content. With my contentment I am able to express my feelings of gratitude and appreciation. My rational intelligence will always want more when I have too little and want less when I have too much. There is no intellectual reason to not want more in an abundant universe. An intellect that always chooses more, will never have enough. Too little or more than enough will ensure my discontentment and disallow my happiness.

Enough is a feeling of my cup being full. It is not half empty, half full or overflowing. There is no scarcity, no poverty, no misery, no gluttony, no extravagance and no over indulgence.

Just enough in my present is always enough when I know that there will always be enough in my future. Enough is the intuitive certain feeling that there is always enough in the present moment because there always was enough in the past and there always will be enough in the future, when I am unlimited in my own perspective of my own ideal abundant life.

There is no limit to how much enough is.