Unconscious Incompetence

With Unconscious Incompetence, I am unaware of my lack of emotional energy.

My disconnection from my emotional power is my normal state of being.

Without emotional power, life happens to me and I am a victim of whatever is occurring.

I do not have the power to tolerate my fate, so I am doomed to see everything that is occurring as a problem.

With so many apparent problems, life is very chaotic and I lurch from one drama to another.

I am lost, confused & I get very frustrated, intolerant & impatient.

I react angrily to anything that drains the small amount of emotional energy that I desperately need to survive from day to day.

I lack motivation and I am dependent on other people for what I need emotionally.

I am very judgmental because I blame others for causing the predicament that I always find myself in.