Habit & Addiction

A Habit is a behaviour.

An Addiction is a need.

Behaviour follows belief.

Habits follow convictions.

Convicted beliefs cause habits.

Habits are a sub-conscious choice of action.

Extreme emotional needs cause addictions.

A mental belief that causes an emotional need can initiate an addictive physical habit.

We become addicted to physical substances that are a short term solution to a need for emotional energy.

My addiction is my strong attachment to whatever I believe that I need emotionally.

My addiction becomes an habitual behaviour because of my conviction that I cannot live without it.

My addiction is my sub-conscious need for the substance that I am habitually craving.

It is not the substance that causes the addiction but my sub-conscious belief that I need it.

A craving is my sub-conscious will power needing the substance that it has formed an emotional attachment to.