Raising My Vibration

Raising the intensity of my emotional energy does not change its vibration.

It just becomes more intensely positive, negative, male or female.

Balancing the gender & polarity of my energy equalises & neutralises its intensity.

When the intensity of my emotional energy is balanced, I can choose a better vibration.

When the intensity of my emotional energy is unbalanced by polarity or gender, I remain in the duality of that energetic state experiencing all extremes of that particular vibration.

A better vibration is a purer vibration.

I grow and better my experience not by raising my vibration but by balancing my vibration & then choosing a purer vibration of emotion that is better for me.

A purer wavelength of emotion requires a purer frequency of thought.

As I choose a purer thought with a better perspective, I perceive & experience a purer emotional feeling.

The more pure my thought, the better the emotional experience.