Sensitive Detachment Allows Compassionate Empathy

When involved in someone else’s drama, I resonate with them in sympathy.

I am sympathetic to their drama.

Sensitive Detachment allows me to resonate with empathy.

I have empathy with their life path.

I am empowered on my path that is running parallel to their path.

Detached Sensitivity allows me to share their passion for their path as their companion.

Being mutually empowered, we share our experience with compassion.

Compassion is how I support another on their path by showing them that their passion for their path is empowered.

When I am sensitive to their path, yet detached from their path, my empathy is enlightening & my compassion is empowering.

Being mutually enlightened & empowered, allows us to share our empathy for our passion with empathic compassion.