Disconnected or Detached

Disconnected from other people, I am insensitive & unemotional.

Detached with other people, I am senstive to their emotional needs yet unattached from their dramas.

Being attached to other people by what I need emotionally draws me into their dramas.

Being emotionally detached with other people allows me to approve of their path with compassion without being involved in their drama.

I accept where another is emotionally without resonating in sympathy with them.

I tolerate where others are emotionally when I am disconnected & apathetic.

The more apathetic & disconnected that I am, the more tolerant that I need to be of their irrational dramas.

Being disconnected from my true source of emotional power, I compete for emotional energy by being aloof & insensitive, unemotional & apathetic.

Being detached with other people allows me to accept where they are, have empathy with their path and compassion for their journey.

I can choose to be disconnected emotionally from other people or emotionally detached with other people.