An Open Solar Plexus

My Solar Plexus is my emotional feeling centre.

It connects me to my Soul’s power.

It is the source of my unconscious competence.

An awareness of the emotional power flowing through my solar plexus allows my competence to become conscious.

Consciously blocking my solar plexus makes my Self unaware of my competence.

Sub-consciously suppressing my solar plexus makes me anxious & nervous.

Nervous anxiety is caused by false beliefs turning my feeling centre negative.

Negative blocked feelings turn a positive flow of competence into a destructive & fearful flow of incompetence.

Creative competence is destroyed by negative emotions caused by fearful beliefs.

An open solar plexus allows my Soul’s power to flow.

Empowered flow is a conscious sign that my intention in life is divinely authorised.

My Soul is open to my ego’s intentions.