Being Over Emotional

I cannot be too emotional.

Being emotional is being aware of my own emotional state of being.

I cannot be too aware of who I am being or what I am experiencing.

Being unable to manage my emotional intensity is being irrational.

When I am overwhelmed by the intensity of an emotion, I am unable to think or act rationally.

A high intensity of emotional feeling can override rational thinking and can be seen as, or experienced as, being irrational.

Uncontrollable laughing or crying is an intense emotional release that may be seen as being over emotional.

Suppressing emotional feelings is an irrational behaviour by an emotionally intelligent person.

Emotional Intelligence is my awareness of my emotional state of being.

I can suppress my emotions and be unemotional, I can express my emotions uncontrollably and be irrational, or I can express my emotions rationally and be emotional.

I cannot express too much emotion, just too much emotional intensity, which is not emotionally intelligent.