
When I surrender to my problems, I tolerate being beaten.

I surrender to the false beliefs & the fears that are causing my problems & my tolerations.

I surrender to the malignant authority of my sub-conscious negative programming.

When I surrender to my challenges, they defeat me.

I am defeated by my insufficient emotional power to meet my challenge.

When I surrender to a challenge, I see a problem.

When I surrender to my opportunities, I allow them to flow to me.

Everything that flows to me, I approve of and gratefully accept as an opportunity for my expansive growth.

I surrender to the flow of life that brings my providence, my allowance and my opportunity for new experiences.

Opportunity is ‘sur-rendered’, it is rendered over or unto me.

I am never beaten by an opportunity, I either accede to my success or I concede my ability to accept it and take it.

Life can only be effortless when I surrender to the flow of life.