Coping with Life

I never cope with life. I choose to live life.

I either cope with the problems of life or not.

When I cope with the problems in my life, I manage to either resolve them or to tolerate them.

Becoming intolerant of the problems in my life is a sign of not coping with the problems and not coping with not having a solution to my problems.

I cope with a problem by finding a solution to the symptoms of my problem.

When I find a solution to a problem, I can cope with that problem by tolerating the symptoms.

Coping with a problem never cured the problem or made it go away. It just found a way of managing the problem or managing to cope with the problem because the potential for that problem to reoccur still remains.

When I find the cause of a problem, I find what is creating the problem and I no longer have to cope with the problem or manage it.

When I find the cause of a problem, I find a way to become problem-free, and I no longer need to cope with the problem because there is no longer a problem or a potential problem.

The cause of a problem is always my perspective.

A problem is a missed opportunity, when my perspective is misaligned.

Coping with life is a required strategy until I learn to become aware of the opportunities for my life.

When I accept all the opportunities that life has to offer, I am truly problem-free and coping is no longer required.