Solving Other People’s Problems

Solving other people’s problems is neither beneficial for them nor beneficial for myself in the long term.

Solving other people’s problems:

  • Disempowers them
  • Focuses on their problems
  • Pulls you into the drama
  • Intensifies the problem
  • Always results in their problem returning
  • Never satisfies them
  • Takes our mind away from our own problems
  • Takes us out of our present moment
  • Is about what I need emotionally rather than what the other person needs materially

By the Law of Attraction I create in my reality what I focus my attention on.

Solving other people’s problems creates a problematic reality for my Self.

It creates a co-dependency on them to meet my need to be needed and for me to meet their need to be looked after.

Solving other people’s problems denies them the opportunity for development and growth.

When I see other people’s problems as their opportunity for growth, I will stop solving their problems for them and help them to see their opportunities instead.

Helping others to see their opportunities in life helps me to see my opportunities in life.