Irresistible Flow

Irresistible Flow has no resistance.

Flowing without resistance is irresistible.

The nature of the Universe is effortless flow.

Limiting beliefs cause resistance and limit flow.

Negative thinking resists the flow of Life.

Fears and false beliefs act like boulders in the river of life.

They cause eddies, whirlpools and rapids in a stream that flows effortlessly back to its source.

When I am flowing with life-force energy, life becomes irresistible and attractive.

Being attractive makes me irresistible.

Being irresistibly attractive allows me to flow through life without resistance.

The resistance that I encounter in my life is the result of my own creation.

I manifest everything that I resist in my life and all of the resistance that I encounter in my life.

I do not have to create irresistible flow, just connect with it.