Personal Freedom

Personal Freedom is being free of my Self.

It is being free of the boundaries that I have created my Self.

It is overcoming the victimhood that I currently experience in my life.

I am a victim of:

  • My Pain
  • My Fears
  • My Problems

These all determine the personal boundaries that I have in place in my life.

Being personally Free requires the attainment of:

  • Painlessness
  • Fearlessness
  • Effortlessness

The journey to becoming painless will require confronting my pain

The journey to becoming fearless will require me to confront my fear.

The journey to becoming effortless will require me to confront my problems.

An effortless life is free of the problems that cause both pain and fear.

Pain, effort and fear are all negative indicators of my opportunity for the development of my personal freedom.

My personal freedom is attained in the absence of any pain, fear or problems.

It requires my power to overcome pain; my authority to overcome fear; and my ability to overcome the effort of my resistance that creates the problems in my life.