External Pain

There are two types of pain: Internal & External.

External pain is the result of wrong action.

Any action that causes pain is not right for me.

External pain is a message, a signal and a direction.

Hearing the message, seeing the signal or knowing the direction; instantly releases the pain.

External pain is the result of not listening, of being unaware and going in the wrong direction.

It is caused by being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong belief.

From a spiritual perspective, external pain is an opportunity for development & growth.

Pain teaches me to listen, to be aware, and to avoid a negative perspective of what is occurring.

When I see pain as my tutor, I learn from my pain, see the benefits of my pain and no longer suffer from my pain.

Once I see the pain as a positive indicator, I can accept it and release it, and I no longer have any reason to suffer it, suppress it, or fear it.