Internal Pain

When external pain is not accepted with gratitude and released, it is internalised.

External pain that is internalised will eventually reappear as Internal pain.

Internal pain originates in the body, whereas external pain originates from a cause outside of the body.

My body never causes the pain, but it does complain at the negativity that is stored within the body that need to be released.

Negative mental & emotional energy stored within the body is a pain.

Internal pain is a message to my conscious self that this negative, suppressed energy has not been released.

To deliver the internal pain, I am required to release the external pain that originally caused it.

Time is not a great healer; it is just a distorter of truth & reality.

The truth of my internal pain is lost to the time when I suppressed and internalised an external experience that was painful.

Once I reveal the true cause of my pain, I can release it, deliver it and then cleanse my future of pain.

External pain occurs in the present and requires release.

Internal pain originated in my past and requires delivery by releasing it from the past.

Releasing & Delivering pain cleanses my future of any suffering and allows my Self a state of being Painless.