
Fearlessness is not the absence of emotion.

It is an emotional state of being.

Fear is not an emotion.

Fear is a negative or false belief that creates a negative emotional experience.

I call it fear in the absence of realising a definite negative emotion.

Fearlessness is not the boldness or bravery of a suppressed belief system.

It is the absence of false or limiting beliefs.

In the absence of a limiting belief, I am fearless.

Fear is a mental belief that creates a negative perspective of life.

Fearlessness sees life how it really is.

There really is nothing to fear, once I have overcome all my limiting beliefs about my life.

In the absence of negative limiting beliefs, there can be no negative fearful emotions.

Fearlessness requires the overcoming of all fears.

It is not attained through suppressing or denying a fear but by overcoming all fears.

I only fear what I believe to be a threat to my existence and my ability to live life my way.

My Soul neither delivers nor provides any threat to my existence.

I am only ever in danger of being my Self.

Fear is an illusion of my Self.

Fearlessness is an Attainment of my Soul.