
Effortlessness is not an action.

I cannot do effortlessness.

Effortlessness is a state of being.

It is the state of being in which I do something without effort.

I do things effortlessly when in a state of being effortless.

Effortlessness is the attainment of being effortless.

Being effortless allows me to do things with energy rather than effort.

With effortlessness there is no effort because there is no resistance.

When there is no resistance I am in the flow.

In the flow, my action is authorised & empowered.

With full authority and power, I have the ability to act effortlessly with effortlessness.

Fear depletes my mental authority.

Pain depletes my emotional power.

Problems inhibit my physical ability.

Nothing is an effort for my Soul.

Effortlessness is a Divine Attainment.

In alignment with my Soul’s Power & Authority, Life is always painless, fearless, problem-free and effortless.

My Soul always allows my Self:- Personal Freedom.