Problems, Challenges & Opportunities

Problems, Challenges and Opportunities are all a matter of perspective.

Whether something is a problem, a challenge or an opportunity depends on how I see it or perceive it to be.

How I see something is my perspective and is determined by my perception of it and how I feel about it.

My perception of anything is determined by my emotional energy level.

When my emotional energy is low, I will perceive life to be a problem.

With enough emotional energy, I will accept what turns up in life as a challenge.

When I run out of emotional energy, I will fail the challenge and realise the problem.

With enough emotional energy, I will succeed in the challenge and realise the opportunity.

My emotional energy determines my perception.

My perception determines my perspective.

My perspective determines whether life is presenting me with an opportunity, a challenge or a problem.

A problem-free life requires me to succeed in the challenge of seeing everything in life as an opportunity.

Acceptance of everything that occurs as an opportunity allows life to be toleration free and effortless.

Problems are just the experience of the resistance that I create when not accepting that what is turning up in my life is a present.

Presents always present themselves in the present moment of time.

Every missed opportunity will be experienced as either a lesson or a problem.

But not to worry! There will be endless opportunities to experience the same lessons and the same problems over and over again.