The Zone of Opportunity

Life Flows Effortlessly when I hear my intuitive messages.

When I intuitively know the direction and instinctively feel the clarity, I see my opportunities in life.

Opportunities always flow effortlessly.

When I miss an opportunity, I am challenged to learn a lesson.

When I learn the lesson, I immediately see the opportunity.

When I fail the challenge, I experience a problem.

A problem is always a problem, even when I have a solution.

When I have too many problems or too many solutions, my life is chaotic.

When my life is in chaos, I am on the road to disaster.

To avoid disaster and move out of chaos, I am required to become problem-free.

I become problem-free by not having problems, not by solving them.

When I see whatever is occurring as a challenge, I am on the path to learning my lessons.

When I see whatever is occurring as an opportunity, I have presence, I see the gift (present) that life is presenting in each and every present moment.

In the ‘flow of reality’, with my presence in the ‘gap of space’ and being present in the ‘now of time’, I am effortlessly in the ‘zone of opportunity’.