
Pain is the result of negative emotional energy manifesting in the physical body.

Low emotional energy appears to be caused by pain, however in reality, pain is the effect of low emotional energy.

Pain killers may or may not kill pain but they do not replace emotional energy.

Replacing emotional energy stops pain.

Removing the cause of an energy drain releases the pain.

Pain is the release of negative emotional energy.

Negative emotional energy is the absence of positive emotional energy.

Changing the polarity of our thinking changes the polarity of our emotions.

Negative emotional blockages can be released by laughing, crying, sneezing, coughing or pain.

Changing the polarity of negative emotional energy releases blocked pain.

Any painful experience, whether physical, mental or emotional, can be suppressed and stored in the body until it is released and healed.

Whatever is painful when it is suppressed is painful when it is released.

Pain is inevitable but suffering only results from a negative perspective of our pain.

There is no suffering from a beneficial perception of pain.