Good Intentions

Intentions are always Good.

Nobody ever intends to do anything bad from their perspective.

However, in a dual reality world, intentions can be seen as good or bad.

Whether an intention is good or bad is relative to the perspective of the individual.

What is good for me can be bad for you and vice versa.

We are often seen to do bad things from the best of intentions.

Other people appear to do things wrong, from their best intentions.

Do-Gooders have the intention to do good.

They do not always succeed in their intention.

What they believe to be a good intention may not be in the best interests of those who are receiving it.

How can we ever know what is best for other people when most times we do not know what is best for our Self.

When what I experience is not in my best interests, I see the intention as bad or even evil.

Nobody has evil intentions, although their actions may be judged to be extremely wrong or intensely bad.

Intentions are always intense actions.

They can be either intensely good or intensely bad, depending on one’s point of view.