Relative & Absolute

Relative & Absolute are Realms of Reality.

In the Realm of Relative Reality there is always choice.

Choice allows personal perspective, which allows personal reality to exist.

The reality of the relative world is that everything is seperated from everything else by Time & Space, and everything has a duality which it is in opposition to.

Life opposes death, good opposes bad, light opposes darkness, hot opposes cold, hard opposes soft, male opposes female, positive opposes negative etc. etc. etc.

The purpose of relative reality is a context of contrast and comparison in order to choose an ideal reality.

In the Realm of the Absolute there is no choice, no opposition, no contrast and no individuality.

Without choice and individuality there is just Oneness and this Oneness is Absolute.

In the realm of the absolute where everything is absolute, there is no change, no difference, no growth, no expansion. Everything just is, which is perfect but not ideal.

The Realm of the Relative is the gateway to my Ideal World.

The purpose of this relative world is to allow me to attain the ability to personally create my version of my Ideal World.