This & That

Reality is either this or that.

Either this is real; or that is real; or this & that are real; or this & that are unreal.

All possibilities exist.

With possibility I have choice.

I have a choice between this & that.

Without choice there is no this or that, just this.

Just this has no choice.

Just this has no reality.

This or that creates a space between.

Space is a creation of the choice between this & that.

Without this & that there is no Space.

I can choose this, or that, or the space between.

The Space between creates the Reality of Time.

Time is the distance between this and that relative to my speed.

This & that created time, speed and distance.

Without this & that there is no time, no speed and no distance.

There is no Time, no Space, and no Reality.

This & That are essential to a Space-Time-Reality.