The Creator & The Creation

The Creator & the Creation are a duality of relative physical existence.

Without one, the other cannot exist.

Every creation has a creator that creates every creation.

“Which came first: The creator or the creation”?

The answer is that both came first because one cannot exist without the other.

When I disconnect my Self from my Creator, I deny my participation in my Creation.

When I embrace my role as the Creator of my Self, I take responsibility for that which I have created.

When I see myself as a creation of the creator, I separate myself from the creator and call the creator God.

When I see my Self as the Creator of my own Creation, I connect my Self to the Divinity of both.

My Divinity exists beyond the duality of the creator and the creation.

Creativity is the essence and the purpose of my Beingness.

Being Creative connects the creator to the creation and the creation to the creator.

Being Creative is the expression of a Creative Being.