Being Selfish

Being Selfish is being my Self.

Being Truly Selfish is being my Soul.

It is my intention to be as my Soul is, as truly selfish as my Soul.

When I am being my True Self, my Soul, I am being neither selfish nor unselfish.

Selfish & unselfish are a duality.

My Soul resides beyond the duality of physical life.

My Self resides in duality in order to allow my Self to have choice.

In the world of dual reality, everything is relative and subject to the Law of Attraction.

Selfish and unselfish energies attract each other because they are like energies and the same force.

Selfishness & unselfishness are the same energy seen from opposing perspectives.

Selfish people attract selfish people to show them their selfishness.

Selfish people attract unselfish people because that is what they need.

Unselfish people attract selfish people to allow them to be unselfish.

Unselfish people attract unselfish people to show each other their victimhood.

We are all victims of either our selfishness or our unselfishness, until we find our true Self.

Overcoming the duality of being selfish or unselfish, allows me to become as Truly Selfish as my True Self is.