The Battleground for Good & Evil

Earth is the Battleground for Good & Evil.

The battle between good & evil exists as a duality of conflict, in physical life.

Duality consists of two conflicting elements created by polar opposites.

When two elements are in conflict & disharmony, one will be judged as good and the other as bad or evil.

When the two different aspects of the same energy are both discerned to be good then there is no conflict and a balance has been attained.

Earth is a contextual field specifically designed for the physical experience of relative dual reality existence.

This enables physical life in human form to have the ability of choice.

It is choice that allows the exploration & discovery of different and opposing experiences.

A world without the judgment of good & evil is a world without personal choice of what is good or bad for me.

It is without the choice of what I do or do not want by virtue of whether I either love it or hate it, like it or loathe it, enjoy it or fear it.

I chose to inhabit Earth in human form because Earth is a battleground for good & evil that allows my choice.

I can choose to fight for good or I can choose to fight for evil or I can choose to see the good and the bad in everything and live in balance & harmony.

The battles that are created in the external world are the consequence of the battles that rage within each of us.

The battle to choose that which is right for me.